söndag 4 december 2011

Advent Calendar

Second Advent today, have you lit that second candle yet?

We have a winner of the first out of four advent packages!!!
We'd like to thank everyone that took part in this, I recieved 26 emails with 23 correct answers... The correct answer was 170 (29+30+3+4+79+25), and we have also accepted 195 as correct since the last stamp was shown twice...
Thank you all for playing and we will present the winner at the end of the post.

Tomorrow we'll start a new game. This time we have hidden a letter somewhere in the image. You will get one letter each day - six letters in total and they will form a word when put in the right order.

Now on to the winner. We let random.org help us to decide a winner and that winner iiiiis...

Matilda Åberg

Congatulations! Email Annika (annika@stampellkallan.com) your adress and put "vinnare adventpaket 1" as the topic, and you will get a bunch of stamps in your mailbox soon! :)

Later on today we'll announce the winner of the stamp of the week as well, and don't forget to come back tomorrow for the first letter!

1 kommentar:

  1. Jag har mejlat er, men fick inget svar så jag hoppas det kom till rätt mejladress :)


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